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2004 Bay Mare

6 panel negative 

Ee Aa

15 HH

Bred for 2024:

Gooseberrys Dart

31.25% Gooseberry

29% Blue Valentine

16.80% Texas Blue Bonnet

15.82% Joe Hancock

Berry Foxy.JPG
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2019 Blue Roan

5 panel negative 

EE aa RnN

15 HH

Bred for 2024:

Gooseberrys Dart

50% Wyo Blue Bonnet

28% Blue Valentine

25% Plenty Try

14.84% Texas Blue Bonnet

Blue Bonnies Bonnet rz.JPG
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2021 Blue Roan Mare

6 panel negative

EE aa RnRn


25% Blue Valentine

18.75% Gooseberry

16% Joe Hancock

14.65% Texas Blue Bonnet

dot rz.JPG
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2003 Black Mare

6 panel negative 

Ee aa

15.3 HH

Bred for 2024:

Gooseberrys Dart

21% Blue Valentine

16.41% Texas Blue Bonnet

14.26% Joe Hancock

12.5% Rip Rip

Blue Hawk Wyo
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1999 Brown Mare

6 panel negative 

Ee Aa

15.1 HH

Bred for 2024:

Gooseberrys Dart

31.25% Orphan Drift

15.63% Driftwood

15% Judy Sue

15% Poco Speedy

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2004 Blue Roan Mare

6 panel negative 

Ee aa Rn?

15 HH

Bred for 2024:

Gooseberry Blues

31.25% Gooseberry

29.69% Blue Valentine

16.80% Texas Blue Bonnet

15.82% Joe Hancock

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2019 Blue Roan Mare

6 panel negative 

EE aa RnN

Bred for 2024:

Gooseberrys Dart

21% Blue Valentine

18% Blue Hawk 22

15.63% Rip Rip

14.45% Texas Blue Bonnet

cj blue bonnet rz.JPG
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2018 Palomino Mare

6 panel negative 

ee aa nCr

Bred for 2024:

Gooseberrys Dart

25% MR Junewood

25% Driftwood Sensation

18.75% Driftwood Ike

17% Driftwood

ritz (2)rz.JPG
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2009 Dun Roan? Mare

panel test pending

color test pending

Bred for 2024:

Gooseberrys Dart

25% Valentine Red Rogers

25% Wyo Blue Bonnet

23% Blue Valentine

18.75% Gooseberry

dd june.JPG
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2015 Buckskin Roan Mare

5 panel negative


EE Aa nCr RnN

14.3 HH

Bred for 2024:

Dun Blue Bonnet

37.50% Plenty Try 

28% Blue Valentine

25% Fox Coup

25% Gooseberry

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2017 Buckskin Roan Mare

6 panel negative

Ee Aa nCR RnN

15 HH

Bred for 2024:

Gooseberrys Dart

25% Blue Bridgets Rojo

21% Blue Valentine

12.5% Orphan Drift

12.5% MR Junewood

12.5% Ruano Rojo

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2014 Bay Roan Mare

6 panel negative 


15 HH

Bred for 2024:

Gooseberrys Dart

25% Plenty Try

25% Gerries Klassy Blue

12.5% Blue Valentine

12.5% Gooseberry

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2008 Grullo Roan Mare

 6 panel negative

Ee aa Dd RnN

15 HH

Bred for 2024:

Blue Bridgets Rojo

34% Blue Valentine

25% Ruano Rojo

25% Fox Coup

12.55 Gooseberry

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2015 Buckskin Mare

5 panel negative


color test pending

Bred for 2024:

Dun Blue Bonnet

37.5% Plenty Foxy

35% Blue Valentine

18.75% Wyo Kid Curry

13.67% Texas Blue Bonnet

moochie june.jpg
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2015 Brown Roan Mare

6 panel negative 

Ee Aa RnN

15.1 HH

Bred for 2024:

Gooseberrys Dart

33% Blue Valentine

25% Blue Apache Hancock

25% Ruano Rojo

12.5% Leo Hancock Hayes

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2006 Red Roan Mare

6 panel negative 

ee Aa RnN

14.3 HH

Bred for 2024:

Gooseberrys Dart

37.5% Blue Valentine

20% Plenty Coup

 18% Joe Hancock

17.97% Texas Blue Bonnet

Bonny June 2021.jpg
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2015 Grullo  Roan Mare

5 panel negative


color test pending

Bred for 2024:

Dun Blue Bonnet

37.5% Leo Hancock Hayes

35% Blue Valentine

25% Wyo Blue Bonnet

18.75% Wyo Kid Curry

rip june.jpg
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2018 Blue Roan Mare

6 panel negative 

Ee aa RnN

Bred for 2024:

Gooseberrys Dart

28% Blue Valentine

15% Orphan Drift

14% Red Man

12.5% Gooseberry

resized left.JPG
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2002 Grullo Roan Mare

6 panel negative 

Ee aa Dd RnN

15.2 HH


21% Blue Valentine

16.41% Texas Blue Bonnet

14.26% Joe Hancock

12.5% Rip Rip

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2005 Black Mare

5 panel negative 


Ee aa

15.2 HH

Bred for 2024:

Dun Blue Bonnet

21% Blue Valentine

16.41% Texas Blue Bonnet

14.26% Joe Hancock

12.5% Rip Rip

Wyo Plenty Hawk (rz.JPG
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2021 Grullo Roan Mare

6 panel negative 

Ee aa Dd RnN


21% Blue Valentine

18% Blue Hawk 22

15.63% Rip Rip

14.45% Texas Blue Bonnet


© 2019 Blue 9 Quarter Horses. Proudly created with

10715 County Road 80  Eaton,  CO  80615

(970) 581-9373

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